Scala vs Kotlin: Best option for JVM Language

Scala vs Kotlin: Best option for JVM Language


1 min read

At the core of Java's network orientation lies the JVM, which supports its key principles of platform independence, security, and network mobility. However, the discussion around programming languages often includes a comparison between Java and Kotlin.

The JVM acts as an abstract computer, defining certain features that every Java machine must possess while allowing flexibility for designers to implement it as they see fit. For instance, while all Java virtual machines must execute Java bytecodes, the specific technique used to execute them may vary.

The JVM is essentially a specification detailing how JVM programming languages should function. However, the implementation itself is left to independent providers who can choose their own algorithms. This implementation, known as the JRE (Java Runtime Environment), has been provided by Sun and other companies.

Whenever a Java command is executed on the command prompt to run a Java class, an instance of the JVM is created. In considering these aspects, developers have the option to choose between two major programming languages: Kotlin and Scala.